Thursday, February 19, 2015

We all survive different events throughout our lives. Some of the events are everyday life and death events (like my grandmothers death @ in her 90’s) some are more traumatic…. Dealing with events shapes us into who we are today.

I have been a survivor for most of my life.
I was about 2 years old when my big brother who was 3 died.
 I survived my father being killed in an auto accident when I was a 12 year old child.
I survived losing a baby (I can’t believe it’s been 13 years now)
I survived Jessie’s Breast Cancer (Twice)

I guess this is why I try to always be positive and encouraging and supportive to others. I was raised reading the bible and praying I think this helps you not become an overly depressed person. Don’t get me wrong I have my moments when I am down but I can’t focus on all the negatives in my life. The old folks use to say count your blessings. There are so many positives in our lives sometimes you just have to look a little harder for them.

Maybe this is why I take so many pictures of sunsets and beautiful surroundings I’m looking for the beauty & positives in life.

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