Friday, August 26, 2016

corporate sponsors wanted... sponsor a Jessie's Bags Donation to a senior living location !

We posted this on our Instagram page today.
Hope you can help us spread a little cheer...

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

vacations are soooo necessary!!!

We had scheduled a vacation last month. We did not go away. I was not able to get any happy endorphin's built up.
 Reality of life is we had no money to take a trip.

 My hubby and I are full time care givers. This is sort of like being parents. The kids are always there and you never get a break.  From the time you get up in the morning till you close your eyes at night. It you have a good family they will step in and take the kids away for the weekend or for a week’s vacation. I realize now that’s why my mom sent me to my cousins house for a week during the summer vacations. We all need down time.
During our last vacation my husband and I spent the week building shelves and moving things around, things involving Jessie’s bags. We exist on fabric donations. So we have to take the fabric when it is offered. We spend our time making bags every day. So we need to be able to move between raw fabric never touched to pieces that have been sewn once to completed bags that need handles. all of these work stations need an area, and we had out grown our current space. I love that he was willing to spend his time off working for Jessie’s Bags. But I must say I had a bad attitude about this being a working vacation.

Finally………..This week is the down time. My kind of downtime!  The good endorphins are flowing freely. We are spending time Looking at the beauty around us.  Resting… eating our meals where someone else is waiting on us. Someone else is making my bed, someone else is responsible for taking care of the moms and all that entails.
Jessie’s Bags is on a vacation….  Jessie's bags is on the road..
Here are the pictures to prove it….