Saturday, May 2, 2015

Grateful for Lunch with my cousins…2015

Today Jessie & I had lunch with my sister and a few of  my cousins. 

We were the group of loud ladies laughing and having fun at the Olive Garden. The ones who stayed forever......

 It was a time to reconnect and regroup. I heard two of them talking and saying I haven’t seen you since high school. I might add everybody there was retired except two of us and we are quickly reaching early retirement age. But I must say we are aging Beautiful!

For some of us it has been years since we were last together.

 We talked about changes and how things are different. The retired folks talked about life after working for so long and new work ethic of Gen X was discussed.  A few reminiscences about bobby socks and stockings were told.

We talked about how Jessie’s bag has grown. Jessie and I brought gifts. We had brought a Pillows and Bags for everyone something we try to always do...
see the pillows....

 A group of ladies at a table nearby saw the pillows and bags asked about them......
 a survivor a bag!


The lady who approached us was also a survivor,.... who's work involves research for Breast Cancer. 

We quickly gave her one of Jessie’s Bags and our business card. 

We told them about Jessie’s bags and how we work with nursing home residents to get volunteers to make parts of the bags...  Two of the ladies she was eating lunch with work in nursing homes. Wow…. What a day!........................ Who knew our loud fun time at lunch would help us meet people we hope to see again who will support Jessie’s Bags…
 These ladies may be able to help Jessie’s bags grow and reach out to even more folks. 

I had planned to talk the retired family members into joining our volunteers…  LOL

 I am  always recruiting… even the cousin in Florida… we need a southern division….OH!!….. The possibilities….

My sister said you are just like Daddy… an entrepreneur….. I guess I am …Jessie always says 

you are just like your father……..

I so enjoyed Lunch..................

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What an amazing time! We had a table full of magnetic, ageless women who captivated the whole Auntie and cousins are quite impressive! Ready for Jessie's Bags to take Florida by storm - category 5 hurricane is more like it 😉