Monday, February 16, 2015

Did I mention I want to move to Hawaii?  I am not a fan of the cold and snow. I have always liked a snow day every now and then. I am noticing there are more snow days than not recently. Is it global warming? A shifting of the poles like in that movie…. It really doesn't matter I just need to move to Hawaii.

If you follow us on Instagram I am always threatening with major #’s to move.

#packthebagsand getmeatickettohawiaii its 19 degrees now but will be feeling below 0 today. Nobody should have to live in with this kind of temperature changes, especially not me. I have started an actively campaign to the family about the move. Did I mention I have been to Hawaii?  When I graduated high school Jessie took me to the big Island for an International Convention it was Awesome! That is probably why I want to go back. So this is Jessie’s fault. My husband agreed to go if I could make enough money to support us so he doesn't have to work. So I am working on it now. How much did I make so far with the advertising on this blog? $0.01 OK
All we need to make bags + a sewing machine

…so …. Every penny counts I only need …..


I asked Jessie if she wanted to move with me to Hawaii she said no I've already been…


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