Saturday, April 18, 2015

4/18/15 grateful that I’m a morning person

I am an early riser. 

I’m not sure why. I may have learned this from Jessie. 

She grew up in a farming family. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
They were share croppers in Arkansas, before moving to Philadelphia. Farmers are always up early. Their day starts with sun up and ends at sun down.  To this day she and I are usually up at 5:00 am and sometimes even before.  

I am a morning person. I love the way the air smells fresh and clean. Sometimes I wake up and will lay in bed thinking about my day. I notice at times I am up before the birds.

 Around 5:15 or 5:30 I will hear one bird start chirping. This must be the early Bird out getting the worm! I wonder are they singing to tell each other over here is the food…. Or are they saying wake up everybody time to get started …come on before all the worms are gone… In a little while there are more voices different birds and sounds. Everything is waking up.

I love................................... this time of day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

You always see such gorgeous sunrises at this time of the day. .. Another reason I love early mornings.

 I like to read the bible early before I start the day. If I will walk into Jessie’s room early in the morning she is up doing the same thing, sitting in bed reading the Bible.  I think it gives us a positive start to the day. I think unconsciously I learned to be a morning person just like Jessie. I think we copy the patterns we see around us.

I notice in some families the people stay up late and sleep late. These people usually say I’m not a morning person. They miss out on a wonderful time of day. They miss the little things you see and hear early in the mornings… the birds singing
Oh what a beautiful morning oh what a beautiful day …….must have been written by a morning person

Soooooooooooooo  Glad 
I'm A Morning Person!!!

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