Monday, July 14, 2014

Working green…

We love working with other seniors. These ladies and gentlemen are volunteering and helping  us  with Jessie’s Bags. We will come to your location. You can get a group of friends together and join our volunteers.

 We have one new volunteer that joined us this week and created something new.  Even if you don’t sew we have projects you can help us with. For example many of the fabric samples we receive have paper on them our newest volunteer spent two hours helping remove these papers. She also noticed an accumulation of small metal grommets that held the paper on. As she worked we talked about how these grommets could be used. We love that this is no longer trash but a usable item. Threading ribbon into these we are now going  to use it as a decoration our tags….

We also have a bunch of little metal hangers that are trash. We need to see if we can create something to use them…hum mm maybe little sachets for the closet…. Have to think about that… any other suggestions?

Always something new and exciting @jessiesbags!

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