Thursday, March 23, 2017

One Doctors office … punishment is another woman’s vacation…

I had an interesting experience yesterday at my doctor’s office.

I seem to spend a lot of time at doctors’ offices. I am a care giver for mom & her sister.  And another family member who lives with me doesn’t drive so I am usually her sick transportation.and if my hubby goes I am there.
This recent appointment was for me. I haven’t been feeling well and went to see my specialist. I was able to get a same day appointment…

I was late for the appointment due to others around me.  I can never just walk out of the house anymore. There was the conversation with my spouse which I had to finish because he would be gone to work when I got home. Then there is mom if I go to her room to say I’m leaving, she always needs me to do something for her. (Life is what it is she is in needy mode most days). Sometimes I sneak out but then she wanders around the house looking for me, I don’t want to stress her out.

As I arrived I said am I too late for my sick appointment…there was no negative response, they started processing me.

I sat down to wait…

 I read a PEOPLE magazine & found out what is happening in other people’s lives… I looked at the Delaware today magazine and saw restaurant’s I might want to try…

As I waited I heard part of the nurse’s conversation outside my door… someone whispered …been waiting 45 min now … I realized they were talking about me. They were punishing me for being late. I had been waiting 45 min…

It’s so funny to me, I didn’t even notice the time, I was enjoying the quiet moment reading what I wanted, not caring for anyone else, no TV noise just quiet time. I was enjoying my down time.. I spent the time tuned out relaxing.

So, even though to them it was a punishment for me it was the opposite.
Thanks for my mini vacation!  You can stick me in a room by myself and make me wait any time.
And my insurance will pay you top dollar to do this,
By the way I got the treatment and I am starting to feel better ….

Busy moms probably can relate… to my life as a care giver…

Winter Vacation day at the beach...

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Moments to remember - my Commercial Art

The snow has us stuck inside.
I have also been sick.

As I started to feel better my brain kicked in gear & I began to work on our project Book -
Moments to Remember.

I am pulling out photos editing and sorting.

 looking for sponsors who will support us by purchasing an ad.  
So you may get a call… 

This is a fun project for me because I get to do what I love, and was trained to do… Commercial Art .
All of my Instagram posts are mini projects but this is a big one and I am lovin the process.
Creating Jessie’s bags has been more to keep mom busy. I enjoy it but this is what I am happiest doing.

Sometimes I will create ads for friends with their business but now I am thinking about doing more of this … 

Now is a moment to remember what I love to do...
If anyone out there wants some of my expertise & skills …let me know


Saturday, March 11, 2017

Support Jessie & her Bags!

We have A fund me page!

Click the link to donate now!

Making Memories ...

Along with our bags we are producing a booklet of memories to give away at our 2017 events
If you would like to add a memory or remember someone special contact Jessie's Bags ...

 $7.00 & your name Name can be included 

Taking A few moments to remember...

A few Bags

Monday, March 6, 2017

Thank You!

As an only child with an aging mom and her older sister to take care of I appreciate all the help I receive. From close friends & my husband even distant cousins who support when possible. There are so many day to day challenges to my life. Some days I am over whelmed. A few days ago I was reminded of how the staff and care givers at the nursing home also support us.

I am doing on a very small scale for two what they do every day for many people who all need daily care. This is not an easy job. Daily these folks are seeing close up the effects of aging and imperfection. There is a lot of effort and hard work exerted to care for the daily needs of our loved ones.

So we say Thank You!

The BIBLE at 1 Thessalonians 1:2-3 in part says “We always thank God when we mention all of you in our prayers, for we continually remember your faithful work, your loving labor.”

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Facing the enemy!

There is an enemy that all of us face no matter who we are, or the  color of our skin. It affects Rich and poor. We all run from this enemy with all our might. You can fight it with all you have. We try to slow it down…but you can’t ignore it, you eventually give in to it, and it wins. 

Yesterday I came face to face with the enemy.

When I took Jessie to visit her sister at the nursing home she lives in, I saw a well-dressed man with a suit and tie. As I started around the nurse’s station I realized he was not alone. I quickly reversed and walked on the other side, not before I saw the stretcher with the body on it.
I came face to face with the enemy. DEATH!

The man was from the funeral home.


I diverted mom in hopes that she didn’t see it. She has been fighting her enemy for 11 years now. When you get a cancer diagnosis you start fighting the enemy with all your might. That’s why they call us survivors. That’s why she gets up every day and sews her bags. She is 87 and makes 100 bags a month. It is becoming more of a struggle to sew but this is the way she fights back.
I really admire the health care workers who can come to work every day and face the enemy! I would not be able to do this job. 

Right now my job is care giver to Jessie and her sister & my mother in law who lives with us.
Coming face to face with that reality yesterday made me stop and think, and appreciate what
The Holy Bible says at 1 Corinthian’s 15:26
 “And the last enemy, DEATH, is to be brought to nothing.”

I have FAITH that this will come true. I look forward to never facing that enemy again.