Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Changing seasons of life

Where we live seasons change and the views around us change every day.

 In the spring you see the foliage wake up and come to life. You hear the birds singing and feel the restoration. As colors pop you get a renewed vitality. You want to get outside to be in the beautiful surroundings. Everything is fresh and new. This is the time of year I want to be outside, I want to go go go. This reminds me of new babies and children. They are full of vitality and energy and the energy levels are high. I watch friends with their young children chasing them as they learn to walk. Stopping them and slowing them down so they don’t hurt themselves, And the kids straining at the bit to go go go.

Its fall right now and the leaves are changing colors.  Look at All the gorgeous hews red, gold, and brown. Everything that was green changes, and the view outside my windows are beautiful. But as this starts to happen you start to nesting. You lay in supplies for the winter which you know will be here soon. You pull out the winter clothes and pack away the shorts and light weight clothes. You begin to stay inside more and more. I feel like this is where I am in life. Not so young anymore and not as old as mom. I am what they call middle age. If I live to be 100 I am middle age or a little above. I feel like it the fall time of my life. I’m not so rush in life now, I don’t want to run around and work. I want to slow down a bit and enjoy the views. We like to take our vacation time in the fall of the year. I love going to the beach when everything calms down and all of the tourist are gone and it’s a sleepy little town again.  A ride on the highway when trees are changing color is beautiful.  I feel like I've mellowed like those leaves. I see a lot of the changes in my life, I’m much more reflective. That’s why I’m writing these pieces.  I use to spend a lot of time reading books. My favorite authors were the ones who made me live it with them. I was right there in the room as the events were happening. I hope that’s how I write. I hope you can see what I see. Our lives changing and  changing leaves. 


Winter is coming. I feel the chill in the air. The leaves are falling quickly. Every tree will soon be bare. No more green, gold, or red. This is when everything looks brown, and you feel dreary. Like a rainy day when you hibernate and don’t want to go out of the house. Sometimes you can be miserable during this time or you can look for some things to distract you. We start making candy apples, baking pies, visiting with friends. Mom is 85 now and I see her at this time of her life slowing down. It’s the winter of her life. It’s cold all the time and she likes to wrap up and sit in front of the fire. She doesn't want to go outside she is hibernating. The aches and pains are there now. Both knees hurt now; it’s a struggle to walk around. She has to use a walker so she won’t fall. My job is to distract her. We use making  Jessie’s bags as a distraction this takes the focus off of the pain and we concentrate on putting together the beautiful fabrics. Even doing this has changed. The skill level has changed. Some bags are perfect seams straight and not a stitch out of place. Some not so much, she is beginning to misses a few stitches more often than not so I have to be more diligent in checking them. 
So as the seasons change so do we... and we adapt to the things around us that we cannot change...

Psalms 90:10 says "the span of our life is 70 years. or 80 if one is especially strong. But they are filled with trouble and sorrow; They quickly pass by, and away we fly.

we are trying to use our days to do good while enjoying the ever changing seasons.....

Thank you accessoriesaddict_5528 for the beautiful photos.

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