Thursday, February 13, 2014

our snow storm survival kit

The snow is here! AGAIN! We spent the last few days preparing for the storm. We had to shop for supplies to weather this event. One of our supplies was a new sewing machine. In order to survive without driving each other crazy we needed a working sewing machine. #jessiesbags on Instagram to see the 5 machines we had which we were not able to get to work. And don’t think we didn't try. Jessie spent days taking apart 2 machines trying to repair them.
When Jessie worked in the factory making little kids clothes in the 1960’s she made her money sewing piece work. So if her machine broke down she didn't want to wait for the mechanic to come fix it that would mean time wasted and money lost. So she learned to fix the problems herself.
For days she battled with two of the machines trying to fix them. One day I got caught and pulled into trying to help. Let me state for the record I don’t sew, I am not mechanically inclined and I do not want to learn to fix a sewing machine. I was told I needed to learn so I became the assistant repair woman. This is not how I want to ever spend the day. And it was a long, long, long unsuccessful day. I finally helped her understand that this machine has computer parts which she could not fix. We finally took it to Hayes Sewing Machine Company for repair.
Now as the weather forecasters were telling us about the impending storm I began to realize how difficult our survival locked up in the house for 2 or more days without a sewing machine was going to be. We took the machine we bought last week back. (That’s another story on how we handle changes as we age.) We scrapped and pulled together all the funds we could find and went to buy a sewing machine. We didn't spend all we had we came home with 2 or 3 dollars. (BUT THAT’S OK WE HAD THE MOST IMPORTANT NECESSITY FOR THE STORM)
Today as the storm raged outside and 12 inches of snow fell all was peaceful and quiet because Jessie was sewing contentedly as she listened to the weather updates. Hibernating can be a good thing if you are happy to be at home and enjoy what you are doing there.

I enjoyed the day checking in occasionally on the sewing, napping, relaxing and taking pictures of the snow. #jessiesbags on Instagram to see the pictures. 

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