Tuesday, July 21, 2015

What do you see?

Last week I stopped in to check on Jessie’s Sister at a local nursing home where she has to live.  She no longer can stand and must be helped with daily activities. She does however have a 10 year old falling apart jazzy wheel chair that allows her freedom. She is very active with in her space.
I had not been to see her for about a week due to my being sick. This is not the norm. I randomly stop in several times a week different times of the day. Sometimes more than once a day they will see me & Jessie.

I found her at an  activity. BINGO  She had 2 boards and was busy. she didn't have time to talk to me then..... So ...
 I decided not to stay but as she looked up I noticed her RED EYE.

I asked how long your eye has been red. She said it was like this yesterday.
OK …….
At this point I went back downstairs to the nurse’s station. The shift was starting to change it was around 3 pm.  most of the nurses were around the desk working on reports.  I asked how long her eye has been red. One staff members reply….. Is it red? I didn’t notice.

I have no medical training, the only background I have in care-giving is spending the last 9 years taking care of Jessie and her sister. But as soon as a looked at her I saw noticed the red!

I wonder didn’t you or some nurses give her medications morning and night? 

TWO DAYS Did they look at the person or just hand her something and walk away. How could you not see this?
How did the aid that helps her Dress miss this? She is dependent upon people to toilet her did none of them saw this.
If you have a family member in a nursing home or Facility you must be visible. You must be alert! You must be seen. Do care givers care?
And if you work at a nursing home or facility look the person in the eye and notice the obvious!


I also see who really cares and pays attention.
 It must be me!

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