Tuesday, August 5, 2014

We like new ideas!

It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since we began our 100 bags a month program. We started making 100 bags to give out in October to breast cancer survivors. We got schools and volunteers to join us and we did it.  At the beginning of 2014 we decided we wanted to try to make 100 bags every month.  Some months we hit our goal others we didn't due to health issues however we consistently made bags and donated them every month to survivors. We recently have a few more sewers to help us. This works out well when Jessie isn't up to sewing. 
 I spoke with a young man who wants to make some bow ties for men. This is a great idea.  We hope he can start this process with some of our fabric scraps and donate a portion of the proceeds to Jessie’s bags.

Up-cycling trash 


some of our new ideas

This got us to thinking there may be other ideas and designers we can team up with to create items that will benefit Jessie’s cause. We have some fabric to share. Do you have any suggestions? What is your skill? What do you make? We try to up-cycle as much as possible.  Contact us jessiesbags@gmail.com  let’s see what we can create together.

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