Monday, December 23, 2013

Two weeks before our 2014 launch!

Tension and excitement is growing! I cant believe its only two weeks before our 2014 launch!

 I just got some expert advice on ways to add pockets to the bags. I had no idea how to do it quickly without a lot of effort. I do now!!! Yea! So for all the ladies requesting pockets we will be working on putting pockets in some of the bags.

We have been sending request for help to companies for our 2014 project. Thank you to all who have responded for our October request! We got webbing, fabric, and zippers.
 We even got non sewing items like bottles of hand lotion and hair care products which we were able to use to raise funds.
 We pray we will get the needed supplies & willing workers.
The more volunteers to help us put things together the better, spread the word and have sewers and non-sewers contact us. We had two ladies with severe arthritis help us by just sorting the fabrics for us to use.
 Non sewers can tie on name tags, cut ribbon get strings off of finished bags…lots to do…all are welcome. Talking and spending time together is nice too. We have become Jessie’s sewing circle lol.

 Supplies we still need:

People to sew
2 Heavy duty Sewing Machines & cabinets
Sewing needles (heavy duty or jeans), Quilting pins (bigger pins are easier to work with)
Fabric/ fabric samples
Scissors, pinking sheers
Belt webbing or old material belts, rope, anything to use for handles, pocket book hardware
Buttons, Zippers
Thread - any color
Pink ribbon/ any color ribbon

 We will also accept any monetary donations you care to make.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Hay don’t throw that out, that will make a nice bag!

We like to recycled supplies.

 Are there things you are getting rid of, trash that we can use as treasures to make this a success?

We started this whole (making bags) process with out of date fabric samples. Things that are being discarded can be upcycled to create new items.

You tube has so many videos of people being creative with trash. It’s great for ideas. 
We have used old baby’s jeans that have designs on them for bags. We have even used old jean miniskirts to create bags.
I enjoy taking something and cutting it up and reinventing it, creating a new useful item.

Right now I’m working on an old suit, trying to see how it can become bags. I like that you will be able to identify that it was a suit. Check back I will post pictures when I figure it out.

 Just picked up a leather coat from goodwill for $0.85  comming soon a leather bag!
so many items so little time........

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Where can I find Jessie's Bags?

Some of you may be wondering where can I find Jessie's bags? He are happy to announce
you can now find Jessie’s Bags in Booths Corner at: 

 JEAN'S CO OP CORNER store #62
This is right outside of the ($1.00) Dollar Store

We will have a fund raiser:

January 10, 2014     10:30-2:30
January 11, 2014     10:30-2:30
we will be near the main office entrance.

1362 Naamans Creek Rd, Garnet Valley, PA, 19060

Come out and support Jessie's Bags!

Do you know any one that has breast cancer?

Do you know any one that has breast cancer?

 That’s the question we asked when we had our fund raiser on Friday at a  Community Hospital. We spoke with 14 people who either had the Cancer or someone in the  family or  friends and coworkers  are survivors. We asked the question because wanted to do as the bible says comfort the ones suffering with Breast Cancer.

2 Corinthians 1; 3,4, 7
Praised be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our trials so that we may be able to comfort others in any sort of trial with the comfort that we receive from God.
And our hope for you is unwavering, knowing as we do that just as you share in the sufferings, so you will also share in the comfort.

The five of us (volunteers) talked about our experiences with breast cancer, mammograms, and treatments and shared some encouraging bible thoughts from the bible with these individuals. Some were given bags and others we will get in touch with to give them one of Jessie’s Bags. If we have been able to encourage just one person I feel like it was a very successful event. We reached out to at least 14. Being able to share the comfort and this experience was very encouraging to the 5 of us all who have been in some way affected by the disease....  The bible says there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.

Who do you know that is a Breast Cancer Survivor?

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

2 snow days

 Wow we had 2 snow days. It is beautiful out side. I loved being home. The fun part is watching from the comfort of home. The first day we got caught trying to get home. We had visited 2 friends in 2 nursing homes and it started to snow early. our 20 min ride took 1 hr and 30 min. So today when they said snow I said Hibernate! YEA! 

 We stayed busy off and on all day working on bags and organizing. Sometimes bags take over the  public spaces in our house.  It seems like whenever I look around the bags are everywhere.  I like to work on bags and watch TV or multitask so I start in one spot and end up in another spot. When it gets to be too much …help! The bags and fabric are taking over! It’s time to organize, and take my living room back. 
Yesterday I made bags all day I have at least 30 bags that are almost complete they just need handles and tags. I put together thirty that need sewing. Don’t worry I also took a nap. I work in one area the move to another then stop and nap and start again. It fun to work on the bag project and not have to stop for doctor appointments and other necessary business, I didn't even leave the house.

Look for another update soon! slow and study working on bags to give away in 2014….