Saturday, January 2, 2016

The cost of doing business..

This is the last day we will have a store front at Booths Corner Farmers Market.

We opened the doors in august a few days after Jessie’s 3rd Breast Cancer surgery. Opening this store gave us something new to focus on. Jessie loved being there meeting other survivors .

We tried it and enjoyed. When we looked at the big picture for Jessie and her bags we have to make an adjustment.

When you do the math it did not pay for us to have this location open.
 One weekend we paid our rent and only sold 1 bag for $15.00. I had no one to work that weekend so I worked 2 full days at the market.12 hours one day and 11 hours the next day. Even though this location was only open two days a week … It cost me 23 hours of time. And this is volunteer time. Not paid time… So at the end of the day we were working on a deficit.
 It cost $ money to rent the space.
 It cost time and energy to coordinate and juggle the rest of my life around these two days.
I try not to regret the choices I make in life.and I don’t regret this experience. I learned that I do not want to be a retail business.

The old saying is do what you love and the money will come. ( in 2016 we will see if this is true!)

We enjoy making bags and giving them to breast cancer survivors. We enjoy taking Jessie’s bags into new locations. We enjoy getting others involved in working on the bags. We enjoy meeting and working with new friends.

So in 2016 you will see Jessie’s Bags on the road. We will be going places and meeting people. We are taking our show on the road. Hopefully the money will come to support our activities.

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