Thursday, June 18, 2015

Yesterday we talked about good memories…

One of the happy memories I have of being a kid is going out to eat. 

I remember going to the Woolworth's 5 & 10. We would have a lunch there. For me it was a fried flounder sandwich with French fries and applesauce. This was a special treat. We didn’t go everyday it wasn’t a routine........ I remember sitting at the counter on the stools that turned.

I also remember getting dressed up and into center city Philadelphia to John Wanamaker’s Department Store. They had a very fancy restaurant in there we went there a few times it was a special day out.

I also recall Friday nights with my dad at the Howard Johnson’s all you can eat fish fry. It used to be on the Roosevelt Boulevard across from the old Sears complex. (Where I had my first job)
Jessie reminded me that daddy would take us out to dinner there on Sunday evenings too.

My mother in law said she remembers being on road trips …. and stopping early in the mornings for breakfast. You can just hear through the quiet the clink of coffee cups and saucers as they pour out the coffee and tea.  Um.... you can smell the coffee now……

Comfort food……

Did I mention the three of us  were sitting in a diner eating fried fish and mother in law drinking a cup of coffee...... nostalgia......

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Update 2015 Jessie’s bags on the Breast Cancer road still……Surviving ..trying to survive ....the life of a survivor

Jessie and I went into Philadelphia for her 2 year follow up just a  check in with the breast cancer doctor. She had the mastectomy 2 years ago. Her First surgery was in July 2006.
No mammogram or visit to the Breast cancer doctor is ever a routine visit, once you have had breast cancer everything changes.

.............................this is our life yesterday .......... a survivor and a survivors daughter 

You stress about it in advance anticipating the appointment. …you stress about it as you go for the films…… you stress as you wait for the doctor to come into the room. Then you really stress when he says he has to cut something out!!!!!!!

You need another procedure. 

The breast is no longer there but this little spot may have cancer cells in it we won’t know until the biopsy.

Jessie’s Bags is on the road again. This is not a road we would ever choose to be on, but here we are none the less. As we take this journey we will share some of it with you. Some of you have been there since 2006 for some of you this is new. 
For us it is getting old really fast we are tired of this road. I thought we had taken a detour. The breast is gone we thought so was the cancer.

we will .........CALM DOWN.... PRAY & Read the Bible!this has helped us in the past it will help us again ....

     We will be praying for strength to deal with these trials. And reading Psalms 34: 4 & 15, 17 -19
 “Many are the calamities of the righteous one
 But out of all of them Jehovah delivers him.”

We will be sewing. Sewing is Jessie’s stress reliever.  She loves making bags. We give most of the bags we make to other survivors, along with a note of encouragement. Sewing keeps us busy and focused on a positive. We took bags with us and asked the ladies at the doctor’s office to give them out for us.

Looking for a positive can sometimes be a challenge; however I’m still going to keep looking.

If you want one of our bags for your survivor or just want to support what we are doing by purchasing a bag let me know. Direct message me for more info. Follow us on Instagram or Facebook

The positives from the day the beautiful view from the doctor’s office window…. I took pictures before the diagnosis good thing I couldn’t even see the view after we saw the doctor.

Positive.....  On the way out Jessie turns to me and says we have to bring the girls that work here bags when we come back…

Jessie is thinking about others & trying to stay positive…..