Friday, January 23, 2015

What do you value

What is The Value of  one of JESSIE’S BAG?

 Jessie’s Bags spent 2014 giving our bags away. We let people decide what they wanted to donate for our bags if they wanted one. We got a lot of different amounts. I am often asked is this enough?

If I had to place a value on the bags it would be high, and we would be rich (Financially). What makes our bags valuable to us is the time, energy and love spent crafting these bags. Jessie is nearing the end of her life and the time she spends sewing and making these bags is very valuable. This is time she spends doing something she enjoys and loves. No two of the bags are the same. They are 100% hand made. The time I spent working on bags for Jessie to sew is valuable to me because it’s doing something I love playing with fabrics, its time I’m spending with my mom. I value each of these days. Its time I will never get back. Its time I will always remember. I am Rich! (Just not financially, L O L J )

When we give a bag to someone we hope they appreciate it, and value it. I hope that the friends who volunteer or offer suggestions or work with us know we value them. We value support, it can be financial, the support.  We realize that Support can mean different things to different people. Many times it is a kind word or deed. I think this is what the bible is talking about at proverbs 25:11 “like apples of gold in silver carvings is a word spoken at the right time “.

 I value the people who have faith in me and believe in me. To some it might look like we don’t know what we are doing and we are all over the place.  Even if they think our ideas make no sense at all, we appreciate the support, and the kind words. I think out of the box a lot it must be my artist brain. Jessie’s bag does not do things the traditional way. We are creating our business plan as we go along. We are adjusting as things work or don’t work. Maybe we are doing things the hard way. But maybe we are creating a new program, a new way to work, a whole new approach to a business. A new attitude about what is valuable. Thanks for sticking with us.

I value the time spent working with the groups who volunteer to help us. If its young ladies & gentlemen I enjoy that we are passing on to another generation lessons learned as we work together. If it’s people we meet with to help Jessie’s bags grow we value the suggestions they give us and the advice on how to proceed. We appreciate meeting new people. We appreciate the smiles and hugs of thanks whenever we give someone a bag.

How do I put a dollar value on all of that? 

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